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makin kecil makin canggih

Otak manusia telah mengalami penyusutan
selama 30 ribu tahun terakhir. Namun
penyusutan ini dianggap memberikan sisi positif,
yaitu membuat manusia lebih pintar.
Dilansir melalui Straits Times, Minggu (6/2/2011),
para peneliti percaya jika otak manusia yang
menyusut akan membuat manusia justru lebih
pintar. Pasalnya, menurut peneliti, evolusi otak itu
akan membuat gerak otak semakin ringan dan
lebih efisien.
Peneliti percaya jika rata-rata ukuran otak manusia
modern (homo sapiens) telah menyusut
sebanyak 10 persen, dari 1.500 ke hanya 1.359
sentimeter kubik, sepanjang puluhan ribu tahun
itu. Ukuran otak manusia sekarang hampir sama
dengan besar bola tenis.
Otak wanita, menurut peneliti, memiliki kadar
penyusutan yang sama. Namun sejak awal
memang rata-rata ukuran otak wanita lebih kecil
ketimbang laki-laki. Pengukuran ini mengambil
contoh tengkorak kepala yang ditemukan di
Eropa, Timur Tengah dan Asia.
"Saya menyebutnya penyusutan besar dalam
waktu cepat," ujar John Hawks dari University of
Michigan. Namun para antropolog menegaskan
bahwa penyusutan otak adalah hal yang tidak
terlalu mengejutkan. Pasalnya manusia semakin
kuat dan besar maka semakin besar tenaga
pengendali yang dibutuhkan oleh otak.
Manusia Neanderthal, sepupu Homo Sapiens
yang menghilang sejak 30 milenium lalu tanpa
diketahui jejak dan sebabnya, dipercaya memiliki
otak yang lebih masif dan besar. Sedangkan
manusia Cro-Magnon, yang sempat
meninggalkan jejak peradaban dengan gambar-
gambar di gua sekira 17 ribu tahun lalu, dianggap
sebagai Homo sapiens dengan ukuran otak yang
cukup besar. Tidak heran jika kemudian mereka
lebih kuat ketimbang keturunan lainnya.
Profesor psikologi dari University of Missouri,
David Geary, mengatakan jika penyusutan ini
merupakan salah satu cara untuk bisa bertahan di
lingkungan yang ada. Dirinya diketahui telah
meneliti evolusi tengkorak, dari sekira 1,9 juta
hingga 10 ribu tahun lalu, dimana leluhur dan
saudara manusia telah hidup di lingkungan sosial
yang cukup kompleks.

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[2012-08-12 12:41] hamba allah:

gimana cara menghilangkan rasa ingin onani biar rasa onani itu jadi lupa berikan solusinya!

[2011-08-28 06:07] Xxx:


[2011-07-19 07:30] agung:

nice article

[2014-01-24 05:22] jallunk:


[2016-07-25 04:40] flashlagu:

Hi! .. Greetings everyone, my name aan of the field. During my visit on this website, I found many articles that are useful, that indeed I was looking before. Thanks admin, and everything.

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Naruto Senpai

[2018-03-07 06:54] Ramona Jordan:

I came across your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE website traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://xahl.de/p Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-03-13 23:06] Ramona Jordan:

This is a comment to the *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini webmaster. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your site: http://stpicks.com/2rusd - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-04-17 01:35] Kerry Beck:

I discovered your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: http://stpicks.com/2rusd Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-06-06 12:08] Amber Stevens:

I came across your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE website traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://insl.co/11 Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-06-19 09:06] Amber Stevens:

I came to your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: http://url.euqueroserummacaco.com/3ewon Unsubscribe here: http://xahl.de/q

[2018-06-27 20:03] Amber Stevens:

I came to your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Start your free trial: http://url.euqueroserummacaco.com/3ewon Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-08-07 16:13] Targeted website visitors:

This is a comment to the *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini admin. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your site: http://insl.co/11 - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
Targeted website visitors https://flust.de/tpuwx

[2018-08-14 17:10] Targeted website visitors:

This is a comment to the *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini admin. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your website: https://flust.de/tpuwx - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
Targeted website visitors http://stpicks.com/2rusd

[2018-08-27 10:03] Janis:

For a limited time we have lowered the rate on targeted website traffic. We have visitors from virtually every country on Earth. Each visitor is targeted by both country and keywords that you submit when you start your free trial period. If you need more visitors or product sales try our service free for seven days and we will send you 500 free visitors during the trial. There are no contracts and if you cancel during the trial period you will not be charged anything! Start your trial today: http://duckshop.co/1f1p

Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-09-07 11:21] Shana Marley:

I came across your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: https://flust.de/tpuwx Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
Shana Marley http://stpicks.com/2rusd

Post a comment


created copas by WWW.TANAHGARO.JW.LT
Tips & Cara Mencegah / Mengatasi Ejakulasi Dini / Ejakulasi Prematur Pada Pria - Problem Seks / Sex / Seksologi Mon, 05 /06 / 2006 - 3 :17 am — godam64 Dari Arti, definisi dan pengertian ejakulasi dini atau yang disebut juga dengan ejakulasi prematur adalah suatu masalah suami istri di mana dalam berhubungan seks laki-laki keluar atau orgasme lebih dahulu daripada wanita. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan masalah karena yang perempuan tidak mendapatkan puncak kenikmatan. Waktu tidak menjadi masalah walaupun isteri anda keluar dalam tempo 10 detik dan anda pada 15 detik. Intinya adalah konsep lady first harus diutamakan. Terkadang masalah ini tidak dipahami dan disadari oleh para lelaki, sehingga dapat berujung pada masalah rumah tangga di luar urusan ranjang. Dalam berhubungan suami istri kedua belah pihak harus sama- sama mendapatkan kepuasan. Pendidikan seks dasar haruslah diketahui dan dimengerti oleh kedua pihak, jangan sampai ada yang mau menang sendiri tanpa memikirkan pasangannya. Langkah mengatasi dan mencegah jakulasi dini / ejakulasi prematur : 1. Arah pikiran dan konsentrasi Arahkan pikiran anda pada sesuatu yang tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan sex saat berhubungan badan. Bisa juga sambil memikirkan yang anda tidak sukai. Hal ini akan mengurangi rangsangan yang diterima oleh suami. 2. Mengurangi sensitifitas pada penis Gunakan kondom, cream atau alat bantu seks lainnya yang dapat mengurangi rangsangan yang diterima oleh pihak pria. Kondom yang digunakan sebaiknya yang ukuran tebal agar dapat mengurangi rangsangan yang bakal diterima nanti. 3. Teknik cabut Ketika si laki-laki akan orgasme buru-buru dicabut tepat pada waktunya, jangan sampai sperma keluar semua. Tehnik ini diperlukan peran serta isteri agar dapat berhasil. 4. Posisi yang tepat Carilah posisi-posisi hubungan intim yang biasanya dapat anda nikmati dalam waktu yang lama. Pakailah posisi tersebut di awal permainan agar anda dapat tahan lama dan pasangan anda bisa orgasme atau keluar lebih dahulu. Perhatian : - Hubungi dokter jika cara ini tidak mempan dan jangan memakai obat sembarangan karena bisa fatal akibatnya. - Jangan berhubungan seks bebas tanpa ikatan perkawinan. Dampaknya dapat berakibat fatal pula. Penyakit menular seksual / PMS selalu beredar di mana- mana tanpa anda sadari. Gunakan teknik yang aman untuk mendapatkan kepuasan batin. - Pastikan pasangan anda bebas pms sebelum dan sesudah menikah secara berkala. organisasi.org



makin kecil makin canggih

Otak manusia telah mengalami penyusutan
selama 30 ribu tahun terakhir. Namun
penyusutan ini dianggap memberikan sisi positif,
yaitu membuat manusia lebih pintar.
Dilansir melalui Straits Times, Minggu (6/2/2011),
para peneliti percaya jika otak manusia yang
menyusut akan membuat manusia justru lebih
pintar. Pasalnya, menurut peneliti, evolusi otak itu
akan membuat gerak otak semakin ringan dan
lebih efisien.
Peneliti percaya jika rata-rata ukuran otak manusia
modern (homo sapiens) telah menyusut
sebanyak 10 persen, dari 1.500 ke hanya 1.359
sentimeter kubik, sepanjang puluhan ribu tahun
itu. Ukuran otak manusia sekarang hampir sama
dengan besar bola tenis.
Otak wanita, menurut peneliti, memiliki kadar
penyusutan yang sama. Namun sejak awal
memang rata-rata ukuran otak wanita lebih kecil
ketimbang laki-laki. Pengukuran ini mengambil
contoh tengkorak kepala yang ditemukan di
Eropa, Timur Tengah dan Asia.
"Saya menyebutnya penyusutan besar dalam
waktu cepat," ujar John Hawks dari University of
Michigan. Namun para antropolog menegaskan
bahwa penyusutan otak adalah hal yang tidak
terlalu mengejutkan. Pasalnya manusia semakin
kuat dan besar maka semakin besar tenaga
pengendali yang dibutuhkan oleh otak.
Manusia Neanderthal, sepupu Homo Sapiens
yang menghilang sejak 30 milenium lalu tanpa
diketahui jejak dan sebabnya, dipercaya memiliki
otak yang lebih masif dan besar. Sedangkan
manusia Cro-Magnon, yang sempat
meninggalkan jejak peradaban dengan gambar-
gambar di gua sekira 17 ribu tahun lalu, dianggap
sebagai Homo sapiens dengan ukuran otak yang
cukup besar. Tidak heran jika kemudian mereka
lebih kuat ketimbang keturunan lainnya.
Profesor psikologi dari University of Missouri,
David Geary, mengatakan jika penyusutan ini
merupakan salah satu cara untuk bisa bertahan di
lingkungan yang ada. Dirinya diketahui telah
meneliti evolusi tengkorak, dari sekira 1,9 juta
hingga 10 ribu tahun lalu, dimana leluhur dan
saudara manusia telah hidup di lingkungan sosial
yang cukup kompleks.

Back to posts
[2012-08-12 12:41] hamba allah:

gimana cara menghilangkan rasa ingin onani biar rasa onani itu jadi lupa berikan solusinya!

[2011-08-28 06:07] Xxx:


[2011-07-19 07:30] agung:

nice article

[2014-01-24 05:22] jallunk:


[2016-07-25 04:40] flashlagu:

Hi! .. Greetings everyone, my name aan of the field. During my visit on this website, I found many articles that are useful, that indeed I was looking before. Thanks admin, and everything.

Download Lagu Mp3
Naruto Senpai

[2018-03-07 06:54] Ramona Jordan:

I came across your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE website traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://xahl.de/p Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-03-13 23:06] Ramona Jordan:

This is a comment to the *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini webmaster. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your site: http://stpicks.com/2rusd - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-04-17 01:35] Kerry Beck:

I discovered your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: http://stpicks.com/2rusd Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-06-06 12:08] Amber Stevens:

I came across your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE website traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://insl.co/11 Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-06-19 09:06] Amber Stevens:

I came to your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: http://url.euqueroserummacaco.com/3ewon Unsubscribe here: http://xahl.de/q

[2018-06-27 20:03] Amber Stevens:

I came to your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Start your free trial: http://url.euqueroserummacaco.com/3ewon Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-08-07 16:13] Targeted website visitors:

This is a comment to the *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini admin. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your site: http://insl.co/11 - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
Targeted website visitors https://flust.de/tpuwx

[2018-08-14 17:10] Targeted website visitors:

This is a comment to the *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini admin. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your website: https://flust.de/tpuwx - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
Targeted website visitors http://stpicks.com/2rusd

[2018-08-27 10:03] Janis:

For a limited time we have lowered the rate on targeted website traffic. We have visitors from virtually every country on Earth. Each visitor is targeted by both country and keywords that you submit when you start your free trial period. If you need more visitors or product sales try our service free for seven days and we will send you 500 free visitors during the trial. There are no contracts and if you cancel during the trial period you will not be charged anything! Start your trial today: http://duckshop.co/1f1p

Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse

[2018-09-07 11:21] Shana Marley:

I came across your *TAUKAH ANDA OTAK MAKIN MENGECIL - Mengatasi ejakulasi dini website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: https://flust.de/tpuwx Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
Shana Marley http://stpicks.com/2rusd

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created copas by WWW.TANAHGARO.JW.LT